in English
4H is the joy of discovery!
In 4H, children and adolescents grow towards a responsible and an enterprising adulthood. The activities take into account the developmental needs of members and focus on learning by doing. The 4H club instills practical skills and knowledge with the help of professional instructors. 4H training and courses develop the adolescents’ skills. The activities are tailored to help in becoming an entrepreneur and to provide abilities for the working life.
4H improves a person as a whole. This is evident by what the 4H stands for; Head, Hands, Heart and Health. 4H members can bring about everyday well being both to themselves and others.
4H is one of the biggest youth organization in Finland with more than 79 000 members. 4H has 250 associations all around Finland. The local associations are supported by fourteen 4H districts. Activities in Swedish are provided by Finlands svenska 4H, with 5,000 members. 4H employs 7,000 youths yearly.
Rovaniemi 4H-association
Rovaniemi 4H-association is established in 1940. There is over 400 members aged between 6-29. Most of them 6-12 years old. Rovaniemi 4H organize many activities arround Rovaniemi. Biggest thing are children´s clubs. Beside the clubs we organize...
- trainings and courses
- competitions
- trips and camps
- school partnerships; study tours
- international youth groups
- work and pocket money for youngsters
- international opportunities